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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529497


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate smartphone addiction and postural alterations in the cervical region in adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 281 adolescents (15 to 19 years old), attending the 1st to the 3rd grades of High School, carried out between September and October 2019 in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Data collection took place in two stages. In the first, they answered four self-administered questionnaires: sociodemographic questionnaire, health conditions and smartphone use, Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptom Questionnaire (NMQ), Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and the Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI-BR). In the second stage, they were submitted to photogrammetry using the Postural Assessment Software (SAPO) and anthropometric assessment (weight and height). The software SPSS Statistics version 23.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Of the total number of adolescents, 63.3% (n=178) showed smartphone addiction, using it for 5.8 hours (±3.5) during the week and 8.7 (±4.0) hours on the weekend. When analyzing postural alignment in the anterior view, a significant reduction in the lateral head tilt was observed when typing on the smartphone (p=0.002) compared to the anatomical position (baseline). In the lateral view, an increase in head anteriorization was observed during smartphone use (p<0.05). There was an association between smartphone addiction and head anteriorization (p<0.05). Conclusions: The use of the smartphone in the typing position causes postural alterations in the cervical region, especially in adolescents with smartphone addiction. Therefore, health promotion measures that alert adolescents to the adverse effects caused by prolonged smartphone use are necessary.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a dependência do smartphone e a alteração postural da região cervical em adolescentes. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 281 adolescentes (15 a 19 anos), que frequentavam da 1ᵃ à 3ᵃ série do ensino médio, realizado entre setembro e outubro de 2019 na cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. A coleta dos dados ocorreu em duas etapas. Na primeira, eles responderam a quatro questionários autoaplicáveis: questionário sociodemográfico, condições de saúde e uso do smartphon e, Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Musculoesqueléticos (NMQ), Self-Report Questi onnaire (SRQ-20) e o Smartphone A ddiction Inventory (SPAI-BR). Na segunda etapa, foram submetidos a fotogrametria pelo Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO) e avaliação antropométrica (peso e altura). Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizado o SPSS Statistics versão 23.0. Resultados: Do total, 63,3% (n=178) dos adolescentes apresentaram dependência do smartphone, com o uso de 5,8 horas (±3,5) durante a semana e 8,7 (±4,0) no fim de semana. Ao analisar o alinhamento postural na visão anterior, observou-se redução significativa da inclinação lateral de cabeça ao digitar no smartphon e (p=0,002) comparado à posição anatômica (baseline). Na visão lateral foi constatado aumento da anteriorização de cabeça durante o uso do smartphon e (p<0,05). Houve associação da dependência do smartphone com a anteriorização de cabeça (p<0,05). Conclusões: O uso do smartphone na posição de digitação causa alteração postural na região cervical, destacadamente naqueles que apresentam dependência do dispositivo. Dessa forma, são necessárias medidas de promoção de saúde que alertem os adolescentes sobre os efeitos adversos causados pelo uso prolongado do smartphone.

Acta ortop. bras ; 32(1): e274089, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1549994


ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate and correlate the sagittal balance parameters with the postural of the pelvis and lumbar spine. Methods: 80 individuals of both sexes, aged between 20 and 35 years, were evaluated. Biophotogrammetry was done with the SAPO software program. Measurements of the sagittal balance parameters were obtained by analyzing a lateral view panoramic radiography of the vertebral column, in which the anatomical points of reference were digitally marked. The calculation of the angles was done automatically by the Keops program. Results: In Keops assessment, 17.5% of the sample had high pelvic incidence angles (> 60°), 31.5% had low pelvic incidence angles (< 45°), and 51.2% had medium pelvic incidence angles (between 46° and 59°). SAPO showed 12,5% lordosis, 40% retroversion, and 47,5% normal curvature. In the right lateral view, pelvic incidence angle had a moderate and positive correlation with vertical alignment of the trunk and with vertical alignment of the body, and a negative and moderate correlation with horizontal alignment of the pelvis. Conclusion: Differences were found between vertical alignment measurements from the postural evaluation system (SAPO). A positive correlation was found between PI from Keops and pelvic anteversion from SAPO. Level of Evidence II; Prospective Study.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar e correlacionar o equilíbrio sagital com parâmetros posturais da pelve e coluna lombar Métodos: Foram avaliados 80 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 20 e 35 anos. A biofotogrametria foi realizada com o software SAPO. As medidas dos parâmetros do equilíbrio sagital foram obtidas pela análise de uma radiografia panorâmica em perfil da coluna vertebral, na qual os pontos anatômicos de referência foram marcados digitalmente. O cálculo dos ângulos foi feito automaticamente pelo programa Keops. Resultados: Na avaliação Keops, 17,5% da amostra apresentavam ângulos de incidência pélvicos altos (> 60°), 31,5% tinham ângulos de incidência pélvicos baixos (< 45°) e 51,2% apresentavam ângulos de incidência pélvicos médios (entre 46° e 59°). O SAPO apresentou 12,5% de lordose, 40% de retroversão e 47,5% de curvatura normal. Na vista lateral direita, o ângulo de incidência da pelve apresentou correlação moderada e positiva com o alinhamento vertical do tronco e com o alinhamento vertical do corpo e negativa e moderada com o alinhamento horizontal da pelve. Conclusão: Foram encontradas diferenças entre as medidas de alinhamento vertical do sistema de avaliação postural (SAPO). Uma correlação positiva foi encontrada entre IP de Keops e anteversão pélvica de SAPO. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo Prospectivo.

Acta ortop. bras ; 32(1): e271849, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1549997


ABSTRACT Introduction: Functional incapacity caused by physical alterations leads to significant limitations in daily activities and has a major impact on the return of people with disabilities to the social space and the workplace. This calls for an evaluation of the long-term influence of the use of a device specially developed for orthostatic posture on the physiological, biomechanical and functional parameters of amputees and spinal cord patients. Objective: The objective was evaluate the effect of postural support device use on function, pain, and biomechanical and cardiologic parameters in spinal cord injury and amputees patients compared to a control group. Methods: The orthostatic device was used by the participants for a period of ten consecutive days, for three cycles of 50 minutes each day, and a 15-day follow-up. Participants were positioned and stabilized using adjustable straps on the shoulders, trunk, and hips. The primary outcome was brief pain inventory. Fifteen participants were included the control group, 15 in the amputee group, and 15 in the spinal cord group. Results: Our results demonstrate that the use of the device allows the orthostatic position of amputees and spinal cord patients evaluated for ten days, leading to improved functionality and pain in the spinal cord and amputee groups compared to the control group. In addition, no changes were observed for secondary outcomes, indicating that the use of the device did not cause harm interference to patients. Conclusion: The long-term use of the orthostatic device is beneficial for improving functionality, reduce pain in amputees and spinal cord injury patients. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the results of treatment.

RESUMO Introdução: A incapacidade funcional causada por alterações físicas leva a limitações significativas nas atividades diárias e gera um grande impacto no retorno das pessoas com deficiência ao espaço social e ao local de trabalho, demandando a avaliação da influência em longo prazo do uso de um dispositivo especialmente desenvolvido para a postura ortostática nos parâmetros fisiológicos, biomecânicos e funcionais de pacientes amputados e com medula espinhal. Objetivo: O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do uso do dispositivo de suporte postural na função, dor e parâmetros biomecânicos e cardiológicos em pacientes com lesão medular e amputados em comparação com um grupo controle. Métodos: O aparelho ortostático foi utilizado pelos participantes por um período de dez dias consecutivos, em três ciclos de 50 minutos diários, com acompanhamento de 15 dias. Os participantes foram posicionados e estabilizados por meio de alças ajustáveis nos ombros, tronco e quadris. O desfecho primário foi o questionário Breve Inventário de Dor. Quinze participantes foram incluídos no grupo controle, 15 no grupo amputado e 15 no grupo medular. Resultados: Nossos resultados demonstram que o uso do dispositivo permite a posição ortostática de amputados e pacientes com lesão medular avaliados por dez dias, levando a melhora da funcionalidade e dor nos grupos de amputados e medula espinhal em relação ao grupo controle. Além disso, não foram observadas alterações nos resultados secundários, indicando que o uso do dispositivo não causou interferência prejudicial aos pacientes. Conclusão: O uso prolongado do dispositivo ortostático é benéfico para melhorar a funcionalidade, reduzir a dor em amputados e pacientes com lesão medular. Nível de Evidência II; Estudos Terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados de tratamento.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521340


La postura corporal es el resultado de la compleja interacción del sistema músculo-esquelético y nervioso que permite al cuerpo mantenerse en una posición adecuada, con un balance ergonómico y un gasto de energía mínimo. Las exigencias técnicas y el perfil morfofuncional del polista se complementan como factores internos predisponentes a lesiones por sobreuso. El objetivo del estudio consistió en analizar el perfil postural en jugadores élite de polo acuático. Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal. Los métodos científicos seleccionados estuvieron en el nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático. Se evaluaron 18 polistas masculinos, de élite, de 18 a 33 años de edad. En el plano frontal, el perfil predominante fue cabeza centrada (13; 72,2 %), con hombro izquierdo más alto (14; 77,8 %), espina iliaca anterosuperior homolateral más alta (10; 55,6 %), triángulo torácico derecho más grande que el izquierdo (10; 55,6%) y ambas rodillas con correcta alineación frontal (10; 55,6 %). En el plano sagital la cabeza se observó adelantada (18; 100 %), pelvis neutra (14; 77,78 %), ambas rodillas en recurvatum (10; 55,6 %) e inclinación corporal anterior (18; 100 %) con un rango de angulación de 2-6 grados. En el plano frontal posterior la cabeza se encontró neutra (14; 77,78 %) con inclinación corporal izquierda (12; 66,67 %). La evaluación del perfil de postura en polistas es útil para diagnosticar desalineaciones en los segmentos corporales, al generar una herramienta en el control biomédico del entrenamiento deportivo.

A postura corporal é resultado da complexa interação do sistema musculoesquelético e nervoso que permite ao corpo permanecer em uma posição adequada, com equilíbrio ergonômico e mínimo gasto energético. As exigências técnicas e o perfil morfofuncional do jogador de pólo complementam-se como fatores internos predisponentes a lesões por uso excessivo. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o perfil postural em jogadores de elite de pólo aquático. Foi desenhado um estudo descritivo, prospectivo e transversal. Os métodos científicos selecionados foram de nível teórico, empírico e estatístico-matemático. Foram avaliados 18 jogadores de pólo de elite do sexo masculino, com idades entre 18 e 33 anos. No plano frontal, o perfil predominante foi cabeça centrada (13; 72,2%), com ombro esquerdo mais alto (14; 77,8%), espinha ilíaca ântero-superior ipsilateral mais alta (10; 55,6%), triângulo torácico direito maior que o esquerdo ( 10; 55,6%) e ambos os joelhos com alinhamento frontal correto (10; 55,6%). No plano sagital observou-se cabeça para frente (18; 100%), pelve neutra (14; 77,78%), ambos os joelhos em recurvatum (10; 55,6%) e inclinação anterior do corpo (18; 100%) com amplitude de angulação de 2-6 graus. No plano frontal posterior a cabeça estava neutra (14; 77,78 %) com inclinação do corpo para a esquerda (12; 66,67 %). A avaliação do perfil postural em jogadores de pólo é útil para diagnosticar desalinhamentos em segmentos corporais, gerando uma ferramenta no controle biomédico do treinamento esportivo.

Body posture is the result of the complex interaction of the musculoskeletal and nervous system that allows the body to remain in an adequate position, with ergonomic balance and minimal energy expenditure. The technical demands and the morphofunctional profile of the polo player complement each other as internal factors predisposing to injuries due to overuse. The objective of the study was to analyze the postural profile in elite water polo players. A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was designed. The selected scientific methods were at the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level. 18 elite male polo players, aged 18 to 33, were evaluated. In the frontal plane, the predominant profile was centered head (13; 72.2 %), with higher left shoulder (14; 77.8 %), higher ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine (10; 55.6 %), triangle right thoracic larger than the left (10; 55.6 %) and both knees with correct frontal alignment (10; 55.6 %). In the sagittal plane, the head was observed forward (18; 100 %), neutral pelvis (14; 77.78 %), both knees in recurvatum (10; 55.6 %) and anterior body inclination (18; 100 %) with an angulation range of 2-6 degrees. In the posterior frontal plane, the head was neutral (14; 77.78 %) with left body inclination (12; 66.67 %). The evaluation of the posture profile in polo players is useful to diagnose misalignments in body segments, generating a tool in the biomedical control of sports training.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 11815, out./dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518422


Construir e validar um questionário para avaliar a autopercepção de professores sobre sua postura e a percepção dos hábitos posturais dos alunos em diferentes situações no ambiente escolar. Foram realizadas 7 etapas para a construção do questionário. A estratégia de validação de conteúdo foi julgada por um painel de especialistas e pelo Índice de Validade (VI). A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi realizada com professores e medida pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC) e Coeficiente Kappa (KC). 11 especialistas com doutorado, experiência em educação e na área de postura participaram da validação de conteúdo e 40 professores participaram da confiabilidade teste-reteste. As medidas de VI foram todas acima de 0,81, e a média geral de ICC e KC foi de 0,94 e 0,91, respectivamente. Este questionário foi considerado válido, confiável e viável com linguagem compreensível para os professores. Pode ser recomendado para pesquisas em escolas e programas de educação postural, contribuindo para a prevenção de hábitos posturais inadequados e suas consequências.

To construct and validate a questionnaire for assessing teachers' self-perception of their posture, and their perception of students' posture habits in different situations in the school environment. 7-step were performed for the construction of the questionnaire. The content validation strategy was judged by a panel of experts and the Validity Index (VI). Test-retest reliability was performed with teachers and measured by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Kappa Coefficient (KC). Eleven experts with a doctorate, experience in education, and the field of posture participated in content validation and 40 teachers participated in test-retest reliability. VI measurements were all above 0.81, and the overall mean of ICC and KC were 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. This questionnaire was considered valid, reliable, and feasible with language understandable to teachers. It can be recommended for research in schools, and posture education programs, contributing to the prevention of inadequate posture habits and their consequences.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219172


Introduction:The talus is a tarsal bone articulated with the tibia, fibula, navicular, and calcaneus bones to form supratalar, pretalar, and subtalar joints, respectively. A squatting facet is a kind of anomaly that forms on the surfaces where the tibia and talus articulate. The squatting facet states the daily activities and living style of society. Squatting is described as the hyperflexion of the hip and the knee and the movement of hyperdorsiflexion between the leg and the ankle. Materials and Methods: In the present cross‑sectional study, 600 dry adult human tali were taken from the osteology laboratory in the Department of Anatomy, King George’s Medical University, UP, Lucknow. Each talus was examined for the presence of various patterns of articular facets on the neck of the talus and extensions of its trochlear surface. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, as reference code: 121 ECMIIA/P3. Results: In our study, we observed that the lateral, medial, and combined squatting faces are 282 (47.64%), 49 (8.28%), and 22 (3.72%), respectively. Lateral, medial, and continuous trochlear extensions are 126 (21.12%), 120 (20.58%), and 31 (5.36%), respectively, in the Indian population. Conclusion: Modifications of the neck of the talus (squatting facets and trochlear extensions) are the result of prolonged squatting positions, which is a common habit of the Indian population, and incidences of these variations can be used as an anthropological marker for racial and regional differentiation of unidentified bones.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 889-893, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514319


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes of head and cervical spine posture of skeletal class malocclusion in adolescent with maxillary protraction. Thirty cases of skeletal class malocclusion were randomly selected from the Stomatological Hospital of Shanxi Medical University. High-quality lateral cephalograms were collected including pre- and posttreatment to compare the changes of head and cervical spine posture. Data were processed using SPSS 26.0 statistical software. The paired-t test was used to compare pre- and posttreatment mean angular measurements.A significant difference in the SNA(p<0.001), SNB(p<0.01), and ANB(p<0.001) between T1 and T2 showed an improvement in the sagittal relationships. A significant change was observed in middle cervical spine posture, while upper cervical spine posture variables showed no significant difference after treatment. Skeletal class with maxillary protraction appliance not only led to the improvement of sagittal relationship, but also changed the middle cervical spine posture.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios en la postura de la cabeza y la columna cervical debido a la maloclusión clase esquelética en adolescentes con protracción maxilar. Treinta casos de maloclusión de clase esquelética fueron seleccionados al azar del Hospital Estomatológico de la Universidad Médica de Shanxi. Se recogieron cefalogramas laterales de alta calidad, incluidos el tratamiento previo y posterior, para comparar los cambios en la postura de la cabeza y la columna cervical. Los datos se procesaron con el software estadístico SPSS 26.0. Se utilizó la prueba t pareada para comparar las medidas angulares medias antes y después del tratamiento. Una diferencia significativa en SNA (p <0,001), SNB (p <0,01) y ANB (p <0,001) entre T1 y T2 mostró una mejora en las relaciones sagitales. Se observó un cambio significativo en la postura de la columna cervical media, mientras que las variables de postura de la columna cervical superior no mostraron diferencias significativas después del tratamiento. La clase esquelética con aparato de protracción maxilar no solo condujo a la mejora de la relación sagital, sino que también cambió la postura de la columna cervical media.

Humans , Child , Posture , Cervical Vertebrae/anatomy & histology , Head/anatomy & histology , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/therapy , Cephalometry , Anatomic Landmarks
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440512


Introducción: Un apoyo plantar incorrecto puede considerarse un factor etiológico de asimetrías faciales y cráneo-mandibulares pues modifica, de forma instantánea, la relación entre el maxilar y la mandíbula. Por tanto, resulta vital identificar la etiología de estas asimetrías para establecer diagnósticos y tratamientos certeros. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular en adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de enero a septiembre de 2019 con 180 adolescentes que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Docente de Especialidades «Victoria de Santa Clara», los cuales cumplían con criterios de selección de la investigación. Se analizaron variables faciales, posturales y cefalométricas. Se determinó: la simetría facial mediante el análisis de líneas faciales, el apoyo plantar al calcular el índice cavitario, la postura corporal, según la prueba de Di Rocca, y la simetría mandibular con el método modificado de Kurt y Uysal. Se siguieron las normas éticas y fueron aplicadas la prueba de Fisher, la de McNemar, y la técnica de conglomerado. Resultados: Predominaron los adolescentes con apoyo plantar asimétrico y los pies varo. Del total de casos con asimetría facial, 72,53 % presentó apoyo plantar asimétrico, y 39,44 % planos biilíaco y biclavicular desequilibrados y divergentes. La asimetría mandibular se observó en el 56,11%, la mayoría con apoyo plantar asimétrico. Conclusiones: Se pudo constatar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular, pues se observó un alto grado de relación entre las variables estudiadas.

Introduction: an incorrect plantar support can be considered an etiological factor of facial, mandibular and cranial asymmetries since it instantly modifies the relationship between the maxilla and mandible. Therefore, it is vital to identify the etiology of these asymmetries to establish accurate diagnoses and treatments. Objective: to determine the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries in adolescents. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from January to September 2019 with 180 adolescents who were seen in the Orthodontics service at "Victoria de Santa Clara" Specialty Teaching Dental Clinic, who met the research selection criteria. Facial, postural and cephalometric variables were analyzed. Facial symmetry was determined through the analysis of facial lines, plantar support by means of cavity index, body posture according to the Di Rocca test, and mandibular symmetry with the modified method of Kurt and Uysal. Ethical standards were followed and Fisher's and McNemar's tests as well as clustering technique were applied. Results: adolescents with asymmetric plantar support and varus feet predominated. The 72.53% had asymmetric plantar support from the total cases with facial asymmetry, and 39.44% had unbalanced and divergent biiliac and biclavicular planes. Mandibular asymmetry was observed in 56.11%, mostly with asymmetric plantar support. Conclusions: the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries was posible to verify since a high degree of relationship was observed among the variables studied.

Posture , Facial Asymmetry , Talipes Cavus , Malocclusion
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 2020-2025, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990444


Objective:To explore the clinical effects of a series of posture intervention strategies on correcting abnormal fetal position, so as to provide a basis for Clinical position management and promotion of natural delivery.Methods:This study was a randomized controlled trial. The convenience sampling method was used to select 196 full-term primiparas women with abnormal fetal orientation confirmed by ultrasound as single fetal head position in the Women′s Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University from March to October 2022 as the research objects. They were divided into control group 106 cases and research group 90 cases by random number table method. The control group received normal nursing and chose comfortable position by themselves during labor. The research group received a series of ultrasound-guided postural intervention strategies for postural management in the first and second stages of labor on the basis of normal nursing. The angle of progression and the midline angle, the fetal orientation, fetal orientation during complete uterine orifice and delivery outcome were compared between the two groups.Results:Finally, 190 cases were included, 105 cases in the control group and 85 cases in the research group. There were 76 vaginal deliveries in the research group and 95 in the control group. The rate of anterior occipital position and the angle of fetal head rotation in the research group were 73.68% (56/76) and 64.55 (37.90, 85.55)°, which were higher than 45.26% (43/95) and 33.00 (14.00, 60.00)° in the control group;the midline angle of the research group was 57.10(38.50, 75.80)°, which was lower than 80.00 (52.50, 90.30)° of the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups ( χ2 = 14.14, Z = 4.17, - 3.74, all P<0.01). The first stage of labor was 522.50 (413.00, 695.00) minutes and the total stage of labor was 611.00 (488.00, 812.00) minutes in the research group, which was lower than 620.00 (450.00, 795.00) and 700.00 (539.00, 904.00) minutes in the control group ( Z = - 2.34, - 2.03, both P<0.05). Conclusions:The application of the serial position intervention strategy under the ultrasound guidance during the labor process can improve the abnormal fetal position, shorten the first stage of labor time effectively and safely, while it does not have any significant effect on the improvement of the delivery outcome.

Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine ; : 173-181, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966014


Recently, poor posture (hyperkyphosis) has become a problem among children. This study investigated the effectiveness of an intervention (a spine mat) by measuring spinal alignment before and after the intervention in elementary school students. The study included 83 elementary school students. For the intervention, each participant was placed in a supine position on a bed and a spine mat was inserted ensuring that it adhered to the thoracic spine. The primary outcome variables included the thoracic kyphosis angle (TKA), upper thoracic angle, lower thoracic angle, lumbar lordosis angle (LLA), and sacral anteversion angle (SAA) measured in the standing and sitting positions using Spinal Mouse® before and after the intervention. Based on this evaluation, we assigned the participants to two groups: hyperkyphosis (n=25) and non-hyperkyphosis (n=58). Significant differences were observed between the pre-test and post-test TKA in the hyperkyphosis group in the standing position (pre-test: 45.3±4.5° and post-test: 40.8±9.0°, P<0.05). In the non-hyperkyphosis group, significant differences were observed between the pre-test and post-test LLA and SAA in the standing position. However, no significant difference was observed between the pre-test and post-test spinal alignment in the sitting position in both groups. The results of this study indicated that using a spine mat in elementary school children resulted in decreased TKA in the standing position only in the hyperkyphosis group, which exhibited a TKA of 40° or more after the intervention.

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 214-222, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965034


ObjectiveTo systematically analyze the effect of therapeutic exercise on neck function and quality of life in patients with neck pain and forward head posture. MethodsRandomized controlled trials about the effects of exercise training on forward head posture and neck pain were searched from PubMed, Web of science, Embase, Medline, Science Direct, EBSCO, Springlink, CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang Data from database establishment to April, 2022. The literature was screened by two researchers independently. Cochrane bias risk assessment tool and Physiotherapy Evidence Database Scale were used to evaluate the quality of the included articles. Revman 5.4 software was used for meta-analysis. ResultsA total of 416 patients from eleven literatures were included. Level 1a evidence indicated scapula stability training could effectively improve cranial vertebral angle (MD = 3.62, 95%CI 2.41 to 4.83, P < 0.001), and relieve pain (MD = 1.32, 95%CI 0.18 to 2.46, P = 0.02). Level 1b evidence indicated scapula stability training could reduce functional disability (MD = -0.92, 95%CI -1.11 to -0.74, P < 0.001). Level 1b evidence indicated deep cervical flexor training could improve cranial vertebral angle (MD = -0.83, 95%CI -1.56 to -0.10, P = 0.03), relieve pain (MD = 0.93, 95%CI 0.54 to 1.32, P < 0.001), and improve neck functional disability (MD = 2.17, 95%CI 1.39 to 2.95, P < 0.001). ConclusionScapula stability training and deep cervical flexor training can effectively improve cranial vertebral angle, relieve neck pain, and improve neck function.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 49-54, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964648


Background Prolonged awkward postures during occupational activities can lead to excessive musculoskeletal load on the wrist of workers and symptoms such as wrist pain or discomfort. Objective To survey the prevalence of wrist pain among workers in 10 key industries and analyze its correlation with wrist working postures. Methods By using stratified cluster sampling method, workers from 10 key industries, such as footwear manufacturing industry, shipbuilding manufacturing industry, and automobile manufacturing industry, were selected from seven regions in North China, East China, Central China, South China, Southwest China, Northwest China, and Northeast China. The demographic information, wrist working postures, pain in wrist of the workers were collected through a cross-sectional survey. Pearson χ2 test was used to compare prevalence by selected factors, trend χ2 test for between group comparison, and unconditional logistic regression models for the association of wrist working postures with wrist pain. Results There were 64052 workers enrolled in this survey, and 56286 provided valid questionnaires (the effective rate was 87.8%). According to the survey, the prevalence of wrist pain was 23.3% (13112/56286), and the industries with higher prevalences were footwear manufacturing (27.1%, 1927/7106), automobile manufacturing (24.9%, 5378/21560), and shipbuilding and related equipment manufacturing (24.4%, 850/3488) industries. Finger pinching (OR=2.09, 95%CI: 1.95-2.24), frequent wrist bending (OR=2.03, 95%CI: 1.92-2.15), fixed wrist bending (OR=1.77, 95%CI: 1.69-1.85), wrist on hard edge (OR=1.34, 95%CI: 1.28-1.40), and arms over shoulders (OR=1.11, 95%CI: 1.05-1.17) increased the risk of reporting wrist pain. Conclusion Awkward postures are related to wrist pain among workers in selected 10 key industries. The related factors are wrist on hard edge, frequent wrist bending, finger pinching, fixed wrist bending, and arms over shoulders.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 13-20, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964643


Background Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are one of the major occupational health problems in the world. Pharmaceutical industry is an important part of China's national economy. At present, there are few related studies reported at home and abroad. Objective To investigate the status and influencing factors of WMSDs in chemical pharmaceutical industry. Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was conducted among all workers from three chemical pharmaceutical enterprises in Guangzhou. The Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic characteristics, symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders, types of work, work organization, and and work postures. Multiple logistic regression method was used to analyze the risk factors of WMSDs in chemical pharmaceutical workers. Results In this study, 563 workers were selected as subjects. The total prevalence rate of WMSDs symptoms in the chemical pharmaceutical workers was 43.9% (247/563), and the leading body part-specific prevalence rate from high to low was 34.3% in the lower back, 24.3% in the upper back, 24.0% in the shoulders, and 23.8% in the neck. The prevalence rate of WMSDs symptoms in multiple body parts (30.0%) was 2.16 times higher than that in single body part (13.9%), and the prevalence rate of WMSDs symptoms in four body parts was the highest (11.4%). The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age ≥50 years (reference age <30 years) (OR=2.140, 95%CI: 1.054-4.345), often or very often (reference never/rarely) long-time head rotating (OR=2.695, 95%CI: 1.753-4.142) and long-time keeping arms above shoulders (OR=1.902, 95%CI: 1.108-3.265) increased the risk of reporting WMSDs symptoms (P<0.05). Regarding education level, workers with high school and technical secondary school (OR=0.333, 95%CI: 0.175-0.636) or college and above (OR=0.413, 95%CI: 0.216-0.790) education had a lower risk of reporting WMSDs symptoms than those with middle school or below (P<0.05). Conclusion The prevalence rate of reporting WMSDs symptoms in chemical pharmaceutical industry is high, the involving body parts are lower back, upper back, shoulders, and neck, and reporting simultaneous occurrence of WMSDs symptoms in multiple body parts is common. The chemical pharmaceutical manufacturers can reduce the risk of WMSDs by strengthening the training on workers' ergonomics knowledge, paying attention to the less educated personnel, protecting the elderly workers, and avoiding awkward work postures, like rotating head for a long time and raising arms over shoulders.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 6-12, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964642


Background Furniture manufacturing is one of the typical labor-intensive industries, and workers in this industry face a high risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), which seriously affect the physical and mental health of workers. Objective To explore the prevalence and potential risk factors of WMSDs among workers in a large-scale furniture manufacturing factory. Methods A cross-sectional study of 3431 workers in a furniture factory in Guangdong Province was conducted from September to December 2019. Information including reported WMSDs in various body parts in the past year, demographic characteristics, work organization factors, job characteristics, and work postures was collected by an electronic version of Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire. Pearson χ2 test and binary logistic regression were used to analyze the risk factors leading to WMSDs. Results The overall prevalence rate of WMSDs was 32.12% (1102/3431). The most common WMSDs symptoms occurred in the neck (16.85%), followed by the feet (15.27%), shoulders (14.81%), and hands (14.25%). The prevalence rates of WMSDs in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, legs, and feet were significantly different among different types of work (P<0.05). The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that individual factors, work organization factors, job characteristics, and awkward work postures were associated with the frequency of reporting WMSDs in specific parts of workers. Comparatively poor physical health (including moderate, poor, and very poor) was positively correlated with neck, shoulder, hand, and foot WMSDs (OR=1.479-4.077); working with an uncomfortable posture (OR=1.983) and doing the same task almost every day (OR=1.783) were positively correlated with neck pain; doing the same task almost every day (OR=2.408) and neck twisting for a long time (OR=1.830) were positively correlated with shoulder pain; bending wrists up and down frequently (OR=1.948) and bending wrists for a long time (OR=2.081) were positively correlated with hand pain; prolonged standing (OR=1.953) and often working overtime (OR=1.627) were positively correlated with feet pain; sufficient rest time was negatively correlated with WMSDs in the neck, shoulders, hands, and foot (OR=0.544-0.717). Conclusion The prevalence rate of WMSDs in furniture manufacturing workers is relatively high, and neck, feet, shoulders, and hands are the most involved body parts. The frequency of reporting WMSDs is related to individual factors, work organization factors, job characteristics, and awkward work postures.

China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 628-634, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981746


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of different postures on direct anterior approach(DAA) total hip arthroplasty.@*METHODS@#Total of 94 patients who underwent DAA total hip arthroplasty from July 2016 to June 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into two groups according to different positions during the operation, including 45 cases in lateral position and 49 cases in supine position (with the aid of stent). The general data such as gender, affected limb, body mass index(BMI), incision length, operation time, intraoperative bleeding volume, drainage volume 24 hours after operation, hemoglobin difference before and after operation, first landing time after operation, postoperative hospitalization time, postoperative complications, visual analogue scale(VAS) at 1 day, 1, 2 weeks, 1, 3 and 6 months after operation, Harris score at 1, 2 weeks, 1, 3 and 6 months after operation were observed and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#Patients in both groups were followed up for 6 to 12 months with an average of (8.31±2.22) months. There was no significant difference between two groups in gender, affected limb, age, height, weight, body mass index(BMI), preoperative VAS score and preoperative Harris score(P>0.05). The incision length, operation time, intraoperative bleeding volume, 24-hour drainage volume, hemoglobin difference before and after operation, first time to the ground and postoperative hospitalization time of patients in supine position (assisted by stent) group were all better than those in lateral position group(P<0.05);There was no significant difference in the number of blood transfusions during and after operation(P=0.550). There was no significant difference in anteversion angle and abduction angle in the supine position(with the aid of stent) group during and after operation (P=0.825, P=0.066);There was significant difference in anteversion angle and abduction angle in the lateral position group during and after operation(P<0.05). VAS of patients in supine position (assisted by stent) group were lower than those in lateral position group at 1 day, 1, 2 weeks and 1 month after operation(P<0.05), and there was no statistical difference between two groups at 3 and 6 months after operation(P>0.05). Harris scores of patients in supine position(assisted by stent) group were higher than those in lateral position group at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after operation(P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between two groups at 6 months after operation(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with the lateral position, the supine position DAA total hip arthroplasty has the advantages of small incision, short operation time, less bleeding, early landing time, short hospitalization time, and small intraoperative acetabular cup position judgment error. It has the advantage of fast postoperative recovery, but the recovery of hip joint function is the same after 6 months.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Retrospective Studies , Antiviral Agents , Treatment Outcome , Posture
Acta ortop. bras ; 31(spe2): e262255, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439151


ABSTRACT Objective Investigate the prevalence of postural changes and correlate them with body weight and the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks in a school in the city of São João del-Rei-MG. Material and Methods The study is an original type, with a cross-sectional design, where 109 schoolchildren of both sexes and mean age of 13 years were evaluated. The New York scale was used for posture analysis, measuring body weight, height, backpack weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI). The ANOVA statistical test and Pearson's correlation test were used, considering a significance level of 0.05. Results According to the results, the general average of the scores of postural problems was 68.7 points, with a predominance in the head, spine, hips, trunk, and abdomen. The regions of shoulder, feet, and neck presented mean scores below seven. The mean height was 1.61 m, body weight 56.03 kg, backpack weight 4.49 kg and BMI was 21.51 kg/m. Conclusion Postural alterations are highly prevalent among the evaluated students. The most affected body segments are the head, spine, hips, trunk, and abdomen. However, this finding was not related to the weight of the backpacks or the students' body weight. However, different parameters must be used to analyze the factors that may be related to such findings, such as ergonomic changes, inadequate habits, growth spurt, among others. Evidence Level III,Cross-sectional Observational Study.

RESUMO Objetivo Investigar a prevalência de alterações posturais e correlacionar com o peso corporal e o peso das mochilas dos escolares em uma escola no município de São João del-Rei-MG. Métodos O estudo é do tipo original, com delineamento transversal onde foram avaliados 109 escolares, com média de idade de 13 anos, de ambos os sexos. A escala de Nova Iorque foi utilizada para análise de postura, medição do peso corporal, altura, peso da mochila e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Foi utilizado o teste estatístico ANOVA e o teste de correlação de Pearson, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados De acordo com os resultados, a média geral dos escores dos problemas posturais foi de 68,7 pontos, com predomínio na região da cabeça, coluna, nos quadris, no tronco, e no abdômen. As regiões dos ombros, pés e pescoço apresentaram médias de escores menores que 7. A média da altura foi de 1,61m, do peso corporal de 56,03kg, do peso das mochilas de 4,49 kg e 21,51 kg/m do IMC. Conclusão Conclui-se que existe uma alta prevalência de alterações posturais entre os escolares avaliados. Sendo que, os segmentos corporais mais comprometidos são, a cabeça, a coluna vertebral, os quadris, o tronco e o abdômen. No entanto, esse achado não foi relacionado ao peso das mochilas ou ao peso corporal dos escolares. Assim, diferentes parâmetros devem ser utilizados para analisar os fatores que podem estar relacionados a tais achados, como alterações ergonômicas, hábitos inadequados, estirão de crescimento, entre outros. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo Transversal Observacional.

Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 30: e22017823en, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440138


ABSTRACT Postural therapies use active treatment methods, such as self-correction, to control body segments. The evidence for this practice is established from the comparison of the self-perception of body posture before, during, and after postural education. A scoping review of tools to assess self-perception of body posture, besides encouraging research, may guide professionals while developing treatments. This scoping review aims to identify the existing tools that assess self-perception of body posture, describing their type, measurement properties (validity and reliability), and postural outcomes. The protocol of this review was registered in the Open Science Framework (OSF), DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JGH8U. Studies developing and/or evaluating measurement properties and other study designs using self-perception of static body posture as an assessment method were included. In total, 359 studies were found, of which six were analyzed in this study. They presented two types of tool and their measurement properties were related to validity (n=6) and reliability (n=5). Five studies performed the joint analysis of validity and reliability (83%). Spine position, leg and foot posture, trunk and rib deformity, and postural awareness in general were the assessed postural outcomes. Of the six tools that assess self-perception of body posture, only the SSFS scale can be used in any population. To date, no study found a tool that assesses self-perception of body posture and considers all body segments.

RESUMEN Las terapias posturales utilizan métodos de tratamiento activo, como la autocorrección, para alinear los segmentos del cuerpo. La autopercepción de la postura corporal comparada antes, durante y después del trabajo en educación postural permitirá establecer la evidencia de esta práctica. Una revisión de alcance de los instrumentos que evalúan la autopercepción de la postura corporal, además de incentivar los estudios, puede orientar a los profesionales en las prácticas terapéuticas. El objetivo de esta revisión de alcance es identificar los instrumentos existentes que evalúan la autopercepción de la postura corporal, con la descripción del tipo de instrumento, sus propiedades de medición (validez y confiabilidad) y los resultados posturales. El protocolo para esta revisión está registrado en Open Science Framework (OSF), doi: 10.17605/OSF. IO/JGH8U. Se incluyeron estudios de desarrollo y/o evaluación de propiedades de medición u otros tipos de estudio que utilizaron la autopercepción corporal estática como método de evaluación. Se identificaron un total de 359 estudios, de los cuales seis se incluyeron en esta investigación. Estos presentaron dos tipos de instrumentos. Las propiedades de medición se relacionaron con la validez (n=6) y la confiabilidad (n=5). El análisis conjunto de validez y confiabilidad fue realizado por cinco estudios (83%). Los resultados posturales evaluados fueron: posición de la columna; postura de piernas y pies; deformidad del tronco y las costillas; y conciencia de la postura en general. Se identificaron seis instrumentos que evalúan la autopercepción de la postura corporal, pero solamente la escala SSFS puede ser utilizada en cualquier población. Hasta el momento, no se identificó ningún instrumento que evalúe la autopercepción de la postura corporal y que considere todos los segmentos corporales en el análisis.

RESUMO As terapias posturais utilizam métodos de tratamento ativo, como a autocorreção, para o alinhamento dos seguimentos corporais. É a partir da comparação da autopercepção da postura corporal antes, durante e após o trabalho em educação postural que as evidências dessa prática serão estabelecidas. Uma revisão de escopo sobre os instrumentos de avaliação da autopercepção da postura corporal, além de fomentar pesquisas, poderá guiar os profissionais nas condutas terapêuticas. O objetivo desta revisão de escopo é identificar quais são os instrumentos existentes que avaliam a autopercepção da postura corporal, descrevendo o tipo de instrumento, suas propriedades de medição (validade e confiabilidade) e os desfechos posturais. O protocolo desta revisão foi registrado no Open Science Framework (OSF), doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JGH8U. Foram incluídos estudos de desenvolvimento e/ou de avaliação de propriedades de medição e outros desenhos de estudo que utilizaram a autopercepção corporal estática como método de avaliação. Foram identificados 359 estudos, sendo seis deles incluídos neste estudo. Estes apresentaram dois tipos de instrumentos. As propriedades de medição foram relativas à validade (n=6) e à confiabilidade (n=5). A análise conjunta de validade e confiabilidade foi realizada por cinco estudos (83%). Os desfechos posturais avaliados foram: posição da coluna vertebral; postura das pernas e dos pés; deformidade do tronco e das costelas; e consciência da postura em geral. Foram identificados seis instrumentos que avaliam a autopercepção da postura corporal, mas apenas a escala SSFS pode ser usada em qualquer população. Até o momento, não foi identificado nenhum instrumento que avalie a autopercepção da postura corporal e que considere todos os segmentos corporais na análise.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(4): e277369, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520804


ABSTRACT: Objective: The analysis of the X-ray results of surgical treatment performed in patients with post-traumatic thoracolumbar kyphosis and identification of the compensatory mechanism for this deformity. Methods: The data of 140 patients surgically treated for painful post-traumatic kyphosis at the level of T12, L1, and L2 vertebrae was analyzed. Results: In the studied group, the initial kyphotic deformity was 23° to 81°, with a mean of 28.1°. All patients underwent staged surgical intervention in a single surgical session. Post-traumatic kyphosis (LK) was completely corrected, on average, to -0.25°. After kyphosis correction, increased thoracic kyphosis (TK) decreased lumbar lordosis (LL), including at the expense of low lumbar lordosis (LowLL), but no changes in pelvic balance parameters were observed. Statistically significant correlations of local kyphosis correction magnitude of 28.36±8.89°, with magnitudes of lumbar lordosis (LL), thoracic kyphosis (TK), low lumbar lordosis (LowLL) were obtained. The global sagittal and pelvic balance demonstrated no correlations with the magnitude of kyphosis correction. The X-ray parameters were studied in patients of Group I with no signs of initial sagittal imbalance and in Group II patients with signs of sagittal imbalance. The groups demonstrated statistically significant differences in global balance parameters and spinopelvic parameters both before and after correction surgery. Conclusion: The study revealed that the basic compensatory mechanism for post-traumatic thoracolumbar kyphosis is implemented by changes in the curves adjacent to kyphosis - a decrease in thoracic kyphosis and an increase in lumbar lordosis but not by changes in global or spinopelvic balance. Level of Evidence - III; A case-control study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Análise dos resultados radiográficos do tratamento cirúrgico realizado em pacientes com cifose toracolombar pós-traumática e identificação do mecanismo compensatório dessa deformidade. Métodos: Foram analisados os dados de 140 pacientes tratados cirurgicamente por cifose pós-traumática dolorosa ao nível das vértebras T12, L1, L2. Resultados: No grupo estudado a deformidade cifótica inicial foi de 23° a 81°, média de 28,1°. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica estadiada em uma única sessão cirúrgica. A cifose pós-traumática (LK) foi completamente corrigida, em média para -0,25°. Após a correção da cifose foi revelado aumento da cifose torácica (TK), diminuição da lordose lombar (LL), inclusive em detrimento da baixa lordose lombar (LowLL), mas não foram observadas alterações nos parâmetros de equilíbrio pélvico. Foram obtidas correlações estatisticamente significativas da magnitude de correção da cifose local de 28,36±8,89°, com magnitudes de lordose lombar (LL), cifose torácica (TK), lordose lombar baixa (LowLL). O equilíbrio sagital global e o equilíbrio pélvico não demonstraram correlações com a magnitude da correção da cifose. Os parâmetros radiográficos foram estudados nos pacientes do Grupo I sem sinais de desequilíbrio sagital inicial e naqueles do Grupo II com sinais de desequilíbrio sagital. Os grupos demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos parâmetros de equilíbrio global e nos parâmetros espinopélvicos antes e após a cirurgia de correção. Conclusão: O estudo revelou que o mecanismo compensatório básico da cifose toracolombar pós-traumática é implementado por alterações nas curvas adjacentes à cifose - diminuição da cifose torácica e aumento da lordose lombar, mas não por alterações no equilíbrio global ou espinopélvico. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo caso controle.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Análisis de los resultados radiológicos del tratamiento quirúrgico realizado a pacientes con cifosis toracolumbar postraumática e identificación del mecanismo compensador de esta deformidad. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos de 140 pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente por cifosis postraumática dolorosa a nivel de las vértebras T12, L1, L2. Resultados: En el grupo estudiado, la deformidad cifótica inicial osciló entre 23° y 81°, con un promedio de 28,1°. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a una intervención quirúrgica escalonada en una única sesión quirúrgica. La cifosis postraumática (LK) se corrigió completamente, en promedio a -0,25°. Después de la corrección de la cifosis, se reveló un aumento de la cifosis torácica (TK) y una disminución de la lordosis lumbar (LL), incluso a expensas de una lordosis lumbar baja (LowLL), pero no se observaron cambios en los parámetros del equilibrio pélvico. Se obtuvieron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la magnitud de corrección de la cifosis local de 28,36±8,89°, con las magnitudes de lordosis lumbar (LL), cifosis torácica (TK), lordosis lumbar baja (LowLL). El equilibrio sagital global y el equilibrio pélvico no demostraron correlaciones con la magnitud de la corrección de la cifosis. Los parámetros radiológicos se estudiaron en pacientes del Grupo I sin signos de desequilibrio sagital inicial y en aquellos del Grupo II con signos de desequilibrio sagital. Los grupos demostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los parámetros del equilibrio global y los parámetros espinopélvicos antes y después de la cirugía correctora. Conclusión: El estudio reveló que el mecanismo compensatorio básico de la cifosis toracolumbar postraumática se implementa mediante cambios en las curvas adyacentes a la cifosis (disminución de la cifosis torácica y aumento de la lordosis lumbar), pero no mediante cambios en el equilibrio global o espinopélvico. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio de casos y controles.

Humans , Orthopedics , Postural Balance , Kyphosis
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 25: e95862, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529713


Abstract In the clinical practice of health professionals, it is observed that body posture can reveal the current emotional state. Emotional states can generate habitual gestures and postures that continue even after the emotion has ceased. The objective was to identify postural changes and variables found in the mood state in women. After project submission and approval to the CEP of the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), 15 women with a mean age of 39.6 years, regardless of color, race, or social class participated in the study. The sample was by convenience, being recruited through invitations on social networks. The research was carried out at the Walk Clinic of Exercise, in Charqueadas/RS. The instruments used were a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire to characterize the sample, the Brunel Mood Scale (Brums), and the DIPA v13 (Digital Image based Postural Assessment) to assess posture. The results were presented in the form of descriptive statistics. It was found that increased tension and mental confusion for women with head changes in the sagittal plane and who also showed decreased vigor. In this study, it was verified that for women with low vigor, there is head alteration and that they present tension and mental confusion. More studies should be carried out with different methodologies in larger samples to enable the mapping and delineation of most postural changes related to emotional states and mood disorders, with due application in the clinical practice of health professionals.

Resumo Estados emocionais podem gerar gestos e posturas habituais que continuam mesmo após a emoção ter cessado. O objetivo foi identificar os estados de humor e alterações posturais em mulheres. Estudo descritivo transversal. Participaram 15 mulheres com média de idade de 39,6 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário sociodemográfico e clínico para a caracterização da amostra, Escala de Humor de Brunel (Brums) e o DIPA v13 (Digital Image based Postural Assesment) para avaliação da postura. Os resultados foram apresentados na forma de estatística descritiva. Foi encontrado que mulheres com aumento da tensão e da confusão mental apresentaram alteração na posição sagital da cabeça. O vigor foi maior em mulheres com a posição da cabeça neutra. Neste estudo foi verificado que mulheres com baixo vigor apresentaram alteração da postura da cabeça, o que está associado a sintomas de tensão e confusão mental. É importante realizar mais pesquisas utilizando diferentes metodologias, a fim de mapear as alterações posturais relacionadas a estados emocionais e transtornos de humor. Esses resultados serão fundamentais para a aplicação clínica adequada por profissionais de saúde.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29: e2021_0413, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423432


ABSTRACT Introduction: Low back pain is one of the most common complaints among cyclists. The disharmony of the cyclist-bike combination may be a predisposing factor. Bike Fit is a technique that aims to adjust the bike to the individual characteristics of the cyclist. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between the cyclist's position on the bicycle and the occurrence of complaints of low back pain. Methods: Data obtained during Bike Fit from 62 amateur cyclists were used in the study. Cyclists were filmed during the act of pedaling on a stationary roller and image analysis was performed using Kinovea® software. Data related to complaints of low back pain and positioning on the bicycle were used in the Chi-Square test and binary logistic regression. Results: The mean age was 38.06 ± 8.82 years, 87.7% of the sample was composed of men and low back pain was found in 40.3% (25/62) of the participants. Univariate analysis showed a positive correlation between low back pain and the following variables: ankle dorsiflexion angle (X2=6.947, p=0.014) and upper limb reach (X2=5.247; p=0.032). Binary logistic regression showed a positive association between reaching with the upper limbs and low back pain (r=2.728; p=0.002) and a negative association between knee advancement and low back pain (r= -2.281; p=0.007). Conclusion: Cyclists with low back pain present changes in their position on the bicycle, which reinforces the importance of evaluating the cyclist/bike combination. However, it is not possible to state whether the positional changes observed in the study sample are causes or consequences of low back pain. Level of evidence: Level III; Cross-sectional observational study.

RESUMEN Introducción: El dolor lumbar es una de las quejas más frecuentes en los practicantes de ciclismo. Puede tener como factor predisponente la falta de armonía del conjunto ciclista-bicicleta. Bike Fit es una técnica que tiene como objetivo ajustar la bicicleta a las características individuales del ciclista. Objetivos: Investigar la relación entre la posición del ciclista en la bicicleta y la aparición de quejas de lumbalgia. Métodos: En el estudio se utilizaron datos obtenidos durante el Bike Fit de 62 ciclistas aficionados. Los ciclistas fueron filmados durante el acto de pedalear sobre un rodillo estacionario y el análisis de las imágenes se realizó utilizando el software Kinovea®. Los datos relacionados con las quejas de dolor lumbar y la posición en la bicicleta se utilizaron en la prueba de Chi-Cuadrado y regresión logística binaria. Resultados: La edad media fue de 38,06 ± 8.82 años, el 87,7% de la muestra estuvo compuesta por hombres y se constató dolor lumbar en el 40,3% (25/62) de los participantes. El análisis univariado mostró una correlación positiva entre el dolor lumbar y las siguientes variables: ángulo de dorsiflexión del tobillo (X2 = 6,947, p = 0,014) y alcance de las extremidades superiores (X2 = 5,247; p = 0,032). La regresión logística binaria mostró una asociación positiva entre el alcance de las extremidades superiores y el dolor lumbar (r = 2,728; p = 0,002) y una asociación negativa para el avance de la rodilla y el dolor lumbar (r = -2,281; p = 0,007). Conclusiones: Los ciclistas con dolor lumbar presentan cambios en su posición sobre la bicicleta, lo que refuerza la importancia de la evaluación del conjunto ciclista-bicicleta. Sin embargo, no es posible afirmar si los cambios posicionales observados en la muestra estudiada son causas o consecuencias del dolor lumbar. Nivel de evidencia: Nivel III; Estudio observacional transversal.

RESUMO Introdução: A dor lombar é uma das queixas mais comuns nos praticantes de ciclismo. Pode ter como fator predisponente a desarmonia do conjunto ciclista-bicicleta. O Bike Fit é uma técnica que visa ajustar a bicicleta às características individuais do ciclista. Objetivos: Investigar a relação entre o posicionamento do ciclista na bicicleta e a ocorrência de queixas de dor lombar. Métodos: Os dados obtidos durante o Bike Fit de 62 ciclistas amadores foram utilizados no estudo. Os ciclistas foram filmados durante a pedalada em um rolo estacionário e a análise das imagens foi realizada pelo software Kinovea®. Os dados relacionados com a queixa de dor lombar e ao posicionamento na bicicleta foram utilizados no teste do Qui-quadrado e de regressão logística binária. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 38,06 ± 8,82 anos, 87,7% da amostra foi composta por homens e a dor lombar foi constatada em 40,3% (25/62) dos participantes. A análise univariada mostrou correlação positiva entre a dor lombar e as seguintes variáveis: ângulo de dorsiflexão do tornozelo (X2 = 6,947, p = 0,014) e alcance dos membros superiores (X2 = 5,247; p = 0,032). A regressão logística binária mostrou uma associação positiva entre alcance dos membros superiores e dor lombar (r = 2,728; p = 0,002) e associação negativa para avanço dos joelhos e dor lombar (r = -2,281; p = 0,007). Conclusão: Os ciclistas com dor lombar apresentam alterações de posicionamento na bicicleta, o que reforça a importância da avaliação do conjunto ciclista-bicicleta. Entretanto, não é possível afirmar se as alterações de posicionamento observadas na amostra estudada são causas ou consequências da dor lombar. Nível de evidência: Nível III; Estudo observacional transversal.